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Promoting education and training for the residents of Weston-super-Mare

Weston Education Trust

Promoting education and training for the residents of Weston-super-Mare

What We Do

The aim of the Weston Education Trust is to promote education for the residents of Weston-super-Mare. Funding could be available for either individuals or groups towards the costs of education, training, experience or equipment. The Trust has limited funds available.


Recent Grants

Some of the recent applications the Weston Education Trust has supported include grants towards:

  • Recording and Composition software
  • Forest School Qualification
  • Musical instrument purchases and rentals
  • Legal Executive Qualification
  • Resources for an Art Exhibition for students at local college
  • Equipment for an Art and Design studio at a local primary school
  • Resources for university/college courses including textbooks and IT equipment


Applying For Funding

To apply for funding, please fill in the form below.

The trustees meet quarterly to discuss applications. If you are applying for funding for a course starting in September we require your application by the end of June.

Your application form will be the basis on which funding will be considered and you may be contacted further to provide more details.

The trustees’ decision is final although unsuccessful applicants are welcome to apply again in the future.

Successful applicants will be asked to explain the educational benefit following the provision of the grant. This may be in writing or via attending a future trustees’ meeting. Comments may be used by the trust for future promotional purposes.



About the Weston Education Trust

The Trust was formed in 1993 upon the sale of the “British School” on Hopkins Street, Weston-super-Mare. The proceeds from the sale formed the Trust capital, with the accruing interest forming the funds that are available for the Trust to grant to suitable applicants.

The Trust does not actively fund-raise and is not the recipient of any government, private, or business donations or grants.
The Trust is administered by the trustees:

  • Josephine Beavan (Chairperson and Secretary)
  • Colin Tyler (Treasurer)
  • Andrew Barrington
  • Victoria Tyler
  • Tamsin Barrington
  • Hannah McLorinan


Thank you once again for your immeasurable assistance. My daughter had an amazing time in Harrogate playing with some of the best young saxophonists in the country and she has learnt many new things. Her tutor has recommended that she applies to the Birmingham Conservatoire Juniors to further develop her playing!
Parent of grant recipient
Grant Recipient
It was amazing, I learned so much from the pros: posture, breathing and tricks like slap-tonguing, but the best bit was being amongst saxophonists and learning from all the different tutors
Grant recipient
After being recommended by our school violin teacher, I emailed a contact at Weston Education Trust as a student's violin had broken beyond repair and she couldn't afford to replace it. I was incredibly happy with the quick and positive response which granted this student the funds to get a new violin. This enabled her to continue with her music study and provided her with the tools to keep improving in her practice. Without this, I fear that her lessons would have halted. She has recently decided to keep music into Key Stage 5, so this grant will no doubt have had an everlasting impact.
Head of Music
Hans Price Academy
Thank you so much for the generous amount towards the music stands which are so very much needed. These will be very much appreciated by all of us and the whole of Weston Youth Orchestra (WYO). Please can you thank everyone else at The Trust on behalf of WYO.
Weston Youth Orchestra
WET have helped make it possible for me to return to learning in a subject that I am really passionate about. The grant from WET has meant that I could purchase essential photography equipment to support me on my course. I hope to carve myself a career in photography and that will be thanks to the support of WET.
Grant Recipient
Thank you so much for your support, this enabled me to compete in a Cheerleading competition on a world stage which, after my arthritis diagnosis, I didn’t think I would ever be able to do this. Your support has given me the confidence to carry on, the benefits to my mental and physical health have been huge.
Grant Recipient
The exhibition has gone really well and the students were really impressed to see their work in the gallery space. Feedback from parents and carers was really positive also. I'm really thankful to Weston Education Trust for their huge contribution to the show.
Grant Recipient
I would like to thank Weston Educational Trust for their grant towards my CILEx learning. I have always wanted a career in law but did not wish to attend university, and funding my studies myself is expensive. The grant paid for me to study at college an area of law I am passionate about and I am now one step closer to qualifying.
Grant Recipient


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